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Friday, January 17, 2014

Oh... The joy's of Pregnancy

I am about to enter into the most exciting yet terrifying adventure of my life... Motherhood. And I am not quite sure if I am ready for it. If you ask my darling husband he will claim I was bugging for months for a baby even before the wedding. Who knows he JUST MIGHT be telling the truth, and to be honest at the beginning I actually thought I was. However, the closer and closer I get to having this baby the more anxious and nervous I become. I would have to say that most of my anxiety is coming from my experiences so far.

Lets see during my first trimester is when I worried the most. I first found out I was pregnant really early, about 2-3 weeks along. I had to wait until almost 7 weeks before my first ultrasound. So you can just imagine how nerve racking those 3-4 weeks were for me. The worst part was I did not have any morning sickness and that is a known staple of pregnancy. I couldn't help but freak out because it seemed every time I would read about not having this symptom, it felt like everyone was screaming at me "no throwing up equals big problems.. big, big problems". So needless to say I could not wait until my first ultrasound to make sure there was actually something growing in there. Oh my how amazing it was to see that tiny little heart beating away and turns out I just happen to be one of those lucky women who do not experience any morning sickness. I guess at that time I was just happy my little guppy was healthy and growing normally.

It didn't take long into my second trimester for me to start freaking out again. Second Trimester. This time was because it felt so long in between ultrasounds that I started having dreams I would go into for a normal check up but when they did the ultrasound there was nothing in there. My mind just loved to play tricks on me. Now when I read about the second trimester the one that sticks out the most is having boughs of insatiable hunger, but I am lucky if I can remind myself to eat breakfast in the morning and when I do eat I am immediately full. This worries me the most because I feel like I am starving my child. Haha, I know it sounds ridiculous but I can't help it.

Its very hard to know what is normal when it is your first pregnancy and have never been through this before. But I have been very fortunate to have some very amazing women helping me to keep my head through all the unease and apprehension. They just keep reminding me that every woman and every pregnancy is different. Just because one person has certain symptoms doesn't mean we all do. It is something I always keep in mind and despite the concerns and worries I have experienced so far I cannot be happier. I know I still have a ways to go but I am very thankful and lucky to have amazing people in my life to help me separate the good from the bad and keep me looking towards the amazingly bright future I will have with my growing family, and I can't wait to meet my baby guppy.

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